Three of The Best

Let us begin today with a few images from three of nature photography’s best image makers.

First, we have the late, great, Galen Rowell. Galen and his wife Barbara died in an airplane crash in California many years ago. The plane belonged to them and she was the pilot. A malfunction of some sort created the tragedy.

Galen was an all around nature photographer and also photographed old architecture as well as the sports of rock climbing and mountaineering.

He was known most of all, for his colorful (he was always out at the right time of day) landscapes. Most days begin and end with a light show.

Keep in mind that the three images I share with you, were made on film before digital photography took over. I have seen them published before digital alterations to film images began. It pays not only to be out when the light is sweet, but to know how to capture the beauty of reality without “juicing up” the finished product.

He has been missed and I am thrilled to share a tiny sampling of his art.

Next we have Joe McDonald. One of wildlife photography’s best.

He has made countless numbers of in your face, as well as very touching images of the wild world. The three images below merely scratch the surface of his subjects and his files in general.

Of course predation, is a part of telling the story of the wild world.

Lastly we have an image from yet another icon, Tim Fitzharris. The riverscape below defines both his artistry and his technical perfection. Carefully dissect his thoughtful and flawless composing of color, shape and direction within this image. Sometimes you might have to get wet to get the image you want.

Swift River, White Mountain National Forest, New Hampshire

The three photographers above are or were superstars of outdoor photography.

Some of my own images to finish with. I pretty much just through in the kitchen sink. They are all quite old. Another chance for me to reminisce and “think backwards”.

Nothing better than getting down on your hands and knees, being close to your subject.

Below we have a wild Lily and a Tiger swallowtail.

Birds are art. Sometimes pictures of such are also art, and sometimes not, but the actual subjects are always living art.

Unusual poses, whether the image exhibits behavior such as grazing, or some other factoid, are sought after. In this case a Rocky Mt. Elk bull shows us what he thinks of us.

Very often unusual poses sell better than standard fair.

Fallen autumn leaves, some moving water and a slow shutter speed, and we have a snapshot of a forest.

There’s nothing I enjoy more than photographing a sunrise or sunset. The more I reduce them to shape and form, the happier I am. Mountains are the perfect silhouette for such shots.

I hope you enjoyed viewing the imagery of three masters, and one camera jockey.

God Bless,

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